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BASIC Source File
281 lines
Global Const ProgTitle = "Steve's ProgMan Info"
Type GroupHeader
Name As String
NumItems As Integer
End Type
Type GroupInfo
Parent As Integer
Name As String
CommandLine As String
DefaultDir As String
IconPath As String
MinFlag As Integer
End Type
Type MasterGroup
Name As String
Level As Integer
End Type
Global GroupList() As GroupHeader
Global GroupInfoList() As GroupInfo
Global MasterList() As MasterGroup
'Word 6 document name
Global Const DOC_NAME = "PMINFO.DOC"
'Word 6 document object
Global OhMyWord As Object
'window state
'dde link
Global Const COLD_LINK = 2
'dialog box stuff
Global Const YES_NO_QUESTION = 36
Global Const NO = 7
Sub CenterForm (SForm As Form)
SForm.Top = (Screen.Height - SForm.Height) / 2
SForm.Left = (Screen.Width - SForm.Width) / 2
End Sub
Function FillGroupInfoList (GroupNum As Integer) As Integer
Dim FirstPos As Integer
Dim NextPos As Integer
Dim Looper As Integer
Dim MyText As String
Dim Minimized As Integer
On Error GoTo FillGroupInfoError
'set initial value
FillGroupInfoList = False
'get the text from the text box
MyText = PMMainForm.DDEText.Text
'find the first comma (chr$(44) is a comma)
FirstPos = InStr(1, MyText, Chr$(44))
'find the next comma
FirstPos = InStr(FirstPos + 1, MyText, Chr$(44))
'find the third comma
NextPos = InStr(FirstPos + 1, MyText, Chr$(44))
'get the number of group items; start from the character after the 2nd comma, and
'take the number of characters up to but not including the third comma
GroupList(GroupNum).NumItems = Val(Mid$(MyText, FirstPos + 1, NextPos - FirstPos - 1))
'find the start of the second line, after the first set of quote marks
FirstPos = InStr(1, MyText, Chr$(10)) + 2
'iterate through the number of items for this group
For Looper = 1 To GroupList(GroupNum).NumItems
'bump our group info array by one
ReDim Preserve GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList) + 1)
'set the group parent
GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList)).Parent = GroupNum
'find the trailing quote of the icon name
NextPos = InStr(FirstPos, MyText, Chr$(34))
'add the icon name to the group info array
GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList)).Name = Mid$(MyText, FirstPos, NextPos - FirstPos)
'set the new starting position - the last quote, plus the comma, plus the next quote
FirstPos = NextPos + 3
'find the trailing quote of the command line
NextPos = InStr(FirstPos, MyText, Chr$(34))
'add the command line info to the array
GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList)).CommandLine = Mid$(MyText, FirstPos, NextPos - FirstPos)
'set the new starting postion - the last quote, plus the comma
FirstPos = NextPos + 2
'find the next comma
NextPos = InStr(FirstPos, MyText, Chr$(44))
'add the default directory information to the array
GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList)).DefaultDir = Mid$(MyText, FirstPos, NextPos - FirstPos)
'set the new starting position - the last comma, plus one
FirstPos = NextPos + 1
'find the next comma
NextPos = InStr(FirstPos, MyText, Chr$(44))
'add the icon path to the array
GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList)).IconPath = Mid$(MyText, FirstPos, NextPos - FirstPos)
'find the end of the line
FirstPos = InStr(NextPos, MyText, Chr$(13))
'set the minimize flag
Minimized = Val(Mid$(MyText, FirstPos - 1, 1))
If Minimized = 0 Then
GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList)).MinFlag = False
GroupInfoList(UBound(GroupInfoList)).MinFlag = True
End If
'set the starting position to the beginning of the next line
FirstPos = FirstPos + 3
Next Looper
'return success!
FillGroupInfoList = True
Exit Function
Resume FillGroupInfoResume
End Function
Function FillGroupList () As Integer
On Error GoTo FillGroupListError
Dim Looper As Integer
Dim MyString As String
Dim TempStr As String
'set initial value
FillGroupList = False
'reset our array
ReDim GroupList(0)
'get text
MyString = PMMainForm.DDEText.Text
'for each character in the string
For Looper = 1 To Len(MyString)
If Asc(Mid$(MyString, Looper, 1)) > 31 Then 'if we don't have a non-printable character
TempStr = TempStr + Mid$(MyString, Looper, 1) 'concatenate string
If TempStr <> "" Then 'we've formed a group name
ReDim Preserve GroupList(UBound(GroupList) + 1) 'bump our array by one
GroupList(UBound(GroupList)).Name = TempStr 'add the group name to the array
TempStr = "" 'clear out our list
End If
End If
Next Looper
'return success!
FillGroupList = True
Exit Function
Resume FillGroupListResume
End Function
Function FillMasterList () As Integer
Dim Looper As Integer
Dim Loop2 As Integer
Dim CurItem As Integer
On Error GoTo FillMasterListError
'initialize variables
FillMasterList = False
ReDim MasterList(0)
CurItem = 1
For Looper = 1 To UBound(GroupList)
ReDim Preserve MasterList(UBound(MasterList) + 1) 'increment our array
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Name = GroupList(Looper).Name 'add the group name
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Level = 1 'add the level
'loop through each group's individual items
For Loop2 = CurItem To GroupList(Looper).NumItems + CurItem - 1
ReDim Preserve MasterList(UBound(MasterList) + 1) 'increment our array
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Name = GroupInfoList(Loop2).Name 'add the icon name
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Level = 2 'add the level
ReDim Preserve MasterList(UBound(MasterList) + 1) 'increment our array
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Name = "Command Line: " + GroupInfoList(Loop2).CommandLine'add the command line
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Level = 3 'add the level
ReDim Preserve MasterList(UBound(MasterList) + 1) 'increment our array
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Name = "Default Directory: " + GroupInfoList(Loop2).DefaultDir'add the default directory
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Level = 3 'add the level
ReDim Preserve MasterList(UBound(MasterList) + 1) 'increment our array
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Name = "Icon Path: " + GroupInfoList(Loop2).IconPath'add the icon path
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Level = 3 'add the level
ReDim Preserve MasterList(UBound(MasterList) + 1) 'increment our array
If GroupInfoList(Loop2).MinFlag Then
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Name = "Minimize Flag: True"
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Name = "Minimize Flag: False"
End If
MasterList(UBound(MasterList)).Level = 3 'add the level
Next Loop2
'increment the number of items we've worked with
CurItem = CurItem + GroupList(Looper).NumItems
Next Looper
'clear out our other arrays to clean up some memory
ReDim GroupList(0)
ReDim GroupInfoList(0)
'return success!
FillMasterList = True
Exit Function
Resume FillMasterListResume
End Function
Sub FillPMOutline ()
Dim MyOutline As Control
'set our object to the outline to make it easier (and quicker) to reference
Set MyOutline = PMMainForm.PMOutline
'go through each item in the master list and add it to the outline
For Looper = 1 To UBound(MasterList)
MyOutline.AddItem MasterList(Looper).Name, Looper + 1
MyOutline.Indent(Looper + 1) = MasterList(Looper).Level
Next Looper
Set MyOutline = Nothing
End Sub